Thank you for another successful Luau Fundraiser

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LUAU opportunity drawing items

LUAU door prize winners
Regional Emergency Shelter Team, (REST), is an organization based on the teachings of Jesus Christ that partners with participating churches, congregations and other community and faith based organizations to provide cold weather shelter and warm meals to families, single women and couples who are experiencing homeless in the Yuba-Sutter area.
REST serves those who are seeking emergency housing due to their situation of being homeless or what is termed as "precariously housed" in the Yuba-Sutter region. People who are termed "precariously housed" reside in vacant buildings, cars, or dwellings where more than one family coexists. The numbers are acknowledged by many to be understated, but the conclusion can be clearly drawn that the homeless challenge for our community is growing. What's more, except for women escaping domestic violence situations or those eligible for substance abuse rehabilitation programs, there are currently very few shelter alternatives for homeless single women in the Yuba-Sutter region.

REST first opened its doors during the winter of 2010-2011. As REST is in its fourteenth winter season, it’s important to step back and understand why this organization of over volunteers is needed.
REST fills an average of 2,800 beds each winter providing an equal number of hot evening meals and morning breakfasts.
The 2023-2024 season had a nightly average of 23 guests and assisted a total of 116 individual people.
Totals for 14 Seasons
> Total Beds Used -22,395
>Total Meals Served - 28,522
> # of different people sheltered - 1,097
> Number of Minor Children - 230
REST | P.O. Box 688 | Yuba City, CA 95992
2023-2024 Season
> Total Beds Used -1561
>Total Meals Served - 3122
> # of different people sheltered - 116
> Number of Minor Children - 15